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November 13, 2021

Warning, This intro will be longer than future posts. It will cover what topics I’ll be focusing on & who I am, so you can then decide if you’d like to continue on this chaotic but joyful journey with me.

In the blogging community, surrounded with so many different motherhood and lifestyle accounts, why should you follow me? Based on my own experience, finding a lifestyle blog that actually made me feel supported rather than alienated was never an easy task. With such a variety of different blogs out there, and with all of them coming with their own set of opinions and views, it can feel overwhelming to find a blog that speaks to you without all the judgement. My goal is to offer readers a space where they will never feel judged, pressured or alienated. This will be a happy space where you can find advice or just comfort over a common daily struggle, and hopefully read some funny, but real stories about life and parenthood.

I am not perfect, very far from it, and I plan on being completely honest and real with you without any hidden agendas. Life can be chaotic and messy, just as much as it can be blissful and happy, and it’s important to show both of those aspects played out in real life. When you see a seemingly clean and tidy background in my photos, just remember that there is more than likely a pile of miscellaneous items that have been strategically tucked away out of sight. If you see me all put together, it’s because it’s been a rare day where I’ve found the time to shower, put some makeup on, and wear something besides my go-to comfy pajama set. When it comes down to it, I want you to remember that what you see on social media may seem all put together but there are many more dimensions to our everyday lives.

As a soon to be mom, and especially a young new mom, there are so many views and opinions on how you should parent and what being the perfect mom is. I’d like to throw out all the parenthood/motherhood labels and “rules” because there is no perfect way to be a parent. The world is constantly evolving, adapting and changing and the way we look at parenting should too. Here comes the sentimental bit. The most important aspect of parenting to me is to make sure my child never has any lack of love or support in their lives. I want to raise them to be a loving, respectful, hardworking, selfless, and caring human being who will hold onto those virtues as they grow into their own persons. I’m a little of this, and a little of that and when the day's end comes, it's whatever works best for you and your family. Every family is going to be different in a hundred different ways, and while we may search hard, there is no “foolproof” advice for being the perfect person or parent.

So why start a blog now?

I have always loved to write, whether it was creative fictional pieces or an essay or article that needed to be done, but the idea of creating a blog never fully formed until I got pregnant with my first child. In the past when I thought of starting a blog, my biggest struggle was what my main topic was going to be. I thought of all of my different hobbies and interests and yet at the end of the day none of them seemed like something I could passionately write about. On top of not knowing what to write about, starting a blog is a lot of work and it can be intimidating. You want a blog that will steadily grow and develop while building an audience that will stick around. Finding a topic that I can passionately write about was my first and most important step, and I’m glad I put off creating my blog till I knew what that was. While I won’t claim to be a world-class writer and author, I have grown as a writer and more into my writing and I am ready to share that with the world.

On a bit more personal note, I am a socially awkward human being in real life. I use humor as a deflection, and I make jokes at the wrong time and especially to the wrong people. I get overwhelmed at parties and in big crowds, and making small talk is worse than stubbing your toe or having your favorite show discontinued (maybe not that last one). My point being, it’s not my personality to start a blog about my life without a push, or the passion to put it behind. Social media has given me that push, and the more I think of this as a new creative outlet, the more passionate and excited I become to share this personal journey with all of you.

So… What else besides motherhood/parenthood will this blog be about?

Looking at the facts, this will be a lifestyle/parenthood blog. My journey into motherhood as a young new mom is what inspired me to start this blog in the first place so a lot of that main focus will be on that. But like anyone else in life, I am a person outside of being a mom which means I have a lot of other stuff that I’m passionate about and that I want to talk about. I want to use this blog not only as a space to talk about the joy and struggles of parenthood but also about cooking and baking recipes, movies that I enjoy watching, fashion and makeup advice, interior decorating advice, and any of the interesting things going on in the world today. It might be a little chaotic and messy, but the best things in life are.

Lastly, to those courageous ones who just read all of that, I want to say thank you for taking the time and interest in seeing what this blog is going to be about. I am beyond thrilled to share with you our everyday life, monumental moments, and all the little stuff in between.

If you have any suggestions on topics you would like to see me cover, please comment them through the contact portal shown above/and below. I would love to hear from you! :)

All my love,


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